“Sanctuary is what happens when the truth of who and what we actually are is consciously supported and nurtured. It is a space for the human heart.”  

Charlie Morris




Sanctuary is the home of Peter and Caitlin Adair.

Built as an alternative community school in 1975, it has been a private home since 1980. We moved here from Brattleboro, Vermont, in 2003 and began to create the Sanctuary fruit, vegetable and flower gardens and to transform the house with color and even more windows. In 2 or 3 years, the place took on such a strong nurturing energy that we decided to call it Sanctuary and to offer Sanctuary to others in various ways.

The first program offered at Sanctuary was Nonviolent Communication, taught by our friends Wendy Webber and Richard Dror in 2005. Since then we have been honored to have hosted many fine spiritual teachers and other enriching programs, including the Tibetan Buddhist teacher Geshe Ngawang Singey, author Jan Frazier, Norman Scrimshaw and Margaret Fletcher of White Mountain Sangha, Jeannie Zandi of Living As Love, Alice Gardner and John Crockett, and the occasional sacred circle dance in the garden. Scroll to the bottom of this page for more information on our past programs.
If you would like to receive email notices of events at Sanctuary, please click here:
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Scroll down for directions.


To view and order Peter Adair’s incredible cosmic wall calendars, click here.  


From the January, 2016, entry:

   “The dancing ground of the cosmos is the radiant love of the universe for itself.”


Brian Swimme says of the 2016 calendar:

   “Another beautiful work of art! Bravo!”








“Each time you come from your world to this inner world, and you come with understanding, not greed, then a grain of sand crosses the great divide.  However small it may be, that grain of sand has immense meaning, for it comes with love.  It forms part of an immense pattern like a mandala, and when this pattern is complete then there will be a healing beyond all healing as the outer returns to the inner and the Self reveals itself.”                   Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee 





Directions to Sanctuary:


For your GPS, use

40 Gregg Road

Putney, Vermont  05346 (although we are actually in Westminster West)



From the South:  Take I 91 to Exit 4, Putney. Left off the ramp, then right onto Rt. 5 North. Go into the village of Putney. Turn Left at the Putney General Store onto Kimball Hill. Go 7 miles (north) on this road (it changes its name to Westminster West Road) until you come to the tiny village of Westminster West. Proceed slowly through the village. Turn right at the far end of the village onto Gregg Road. Sanctuary is the second house on the right, 40 Gregg Road.


From the North:  Take I 91 to Exit 5, Westminster. Turn left off the ramp, go under the interstate, turn right onto Westminster Heights Road. It is marked ‘6 (?) miles to Westminster West’. In 5 miles it comes to a ‘T’ intersection with Westminster West Road. Turn right. Go 1 mile into the Westminster West village. Turn right at the far end of the village onto Gregg Road. Sanctuary is the second house on the right, 40 Gregg Road.


From the East or West:  C’mon, the mountains run north and south, so you can’t get there from here unless you have wings.






Past Presenters at Sanctuary:

We are so very grateful for the teachings and love that these wonderful people have brought to our home.


Jeannie Zandi  “Living As Love”


If we meet this world unprotected, our heart gets broken over and over and over. This is actually a gift. You let the world touch you, it shatters you open, and it shatters you open, and it shatters you open. And here you are, shining. After our heart is broken open a thousand times and all of the contents emptied out, there’s just this shining left.   

Jeannie Zandi has been our main teacher since 2008. Caitlin recently completed an 8-month intensive in Taos, “Unleash Your Heart”, with this remarkable “revolutionary of the heart”. www.jeanniezandi.com



Norman Scrimshaw

“Enlightenment is knowing oneself  as the awakened presence of a heart without boundaries open to infinity.”
Norman Scrimshaw is grounded, gentle, kind and wise. He speaks to us from a place of deep knowing and great heart. He describes his experience as a ‘gradual awakening’ after being a student of Adyashanti for seven years, with many other teachers before Adya. See what Norman and his wife, Cynthia Garner, are up to at www.awakeningconnections.org


Geshe Ngawang Singey with Ed Softky, translator and friend

Geshe Ngawang Singey was born in Tibet in 1965 and escaped to India in 1982. He was ordained as a Buddhist monk at the age of 16 by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. After 20 years of study he attained the Geshe Degree (the highest degree obtainable in Buddhism). For many years he was a much loved teacher at Sera Je Monastery in India. He moved to Vermont in 2003. Geshela is a teacher of great clarity and his warm and loving presence is apparent to all who meet him. He is the spiritual director of Thosum Gephelling Institute in Williamsville, VT. www.TGIVT.com Geshe-la’s beloved friend and translator, the late Ed Softky is behind him in this photo.


Jan Frazier

“There is a place in every person that is not subject to harm of any sort. It is not subject to change or to death. It is actual.
It is possible to become aware of this place — fleetingly, and even continuously.
In the state of that awareness, all suffering ceases.
There is nothing inconsistent about that state and what we think of as regular life.”

Information about Jan Frazier  at www.janfrazierteachings.com


Margaret Fletcher
of White Mountain Sangha

Margaret is a student of Norman Scrimshaw and his teacher, Adyashanti. She lives in Concord, New Hampshire with her husband Bill and three daughters.

She is a joyous and down-to-earth spiritual teacher with much to offer. www.whitemountainsangha.org

Alice Gardner




John L. Crockett is an educator and musician who has worked with the Whale Conservation Institute/Ocean Alliance, The Blue Ocean Society for Marine Conservation, Massachusetts Audubon, and Newburyport Whale Watch. He has been practicing and writing about meditation for more than 25 years.    whales@sover.net


Sanctuary :: 40 Gregg Road :: Westminster West, Vermont 05346 :: 802-387-5779 :: info@sanctuaryvermont.com