Peter Adair is a voice for an emerging evolutionary mysticism, seeing scientific discovery as public revelation.  Through an evocative artistic and scientific presentation of our unitive story in calendar form – as Earth Story, The Great Journey, and now, Belonging to Earth and Sky – he seeks to remind us of our embodied wholeness.  Educated in physics and philosophy, lapsed practitioner of Zen Buddhism, former teacher, with his wife Caitlin, of Sacred Circle Dance, currently co-creator, with Caitlin and nature spirits, of magical home and garden habitats in Vermont. View both calendars here.  To listen to a podcast of an interview with Peter, click here.
Caitlin Adair is a lover of Earth, as well as a lover of “what is.” This is evidenced by her magical garden in Westminster West, Vermont, as well as her home that is filled with flowering plants and her own artwork, painting and pastels that flower forth into the world from her heart. For 25 years, Caitlin has been dedicated to unveiling the One Heart, and embodying it consciously in the world.
The Sanctuary Gardens